Board of Certification™
The DBT-Linehan Board of Certification™ (DBT-LBC™) is a non-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to certifying mental health providers who treat suicidal behavior using the gold standard, evidence-based treatment: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).
TIC supports, and has played a role in, the development of certification of DBT individual therapists and programs through the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification.
Certification has important advantages for individual therapists, for DBT programs, and for the collective effort that we all have contributed to the overall field of DBT treatment development and delivery.
The DBT-Linehan Board of Certification™ (https://dbt-lbc.org/)
This link includes the following information:
What is Certification?
Why Get Certified?
How to Get Certified
DBT Individual Therapist Certification
This link includes the following information:
Exam Information
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant Handbook
Failure to Pass
Clinician FAQ
Clinician Scholarship
Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
Work Product Video Submission
Helpful Resources
Continuing Eduation Units
This link includes the following information:
Overview of the Program Certification Process
Program Manual Guidelines
Program Certification Scholarships
DBT-LBC Certified Programs
Program Fidelity Scale (PFS) 2.0
Program Maintenance of Certification